Math Crossword

  1. 4. usually denoted by "m", probably from the French word "monter" which means to mount up
  2. 6. if a polynomial function p(x) is divided by x-c, then it is equal to p(c)
  3. 10. it is a function whose defining equation can be written in the form y=ax+bx+c
  4. 13. b2-4ac; used to determine the characteristics of the roots of a quadratic equation
  5. 14. set of all ordinates in a relation
  6. 15. comes from the Greek words "trigon" which means triangle and "metron" which means measurement
  7. 16. he is the one who first associated the concept of correspondence in the definition of function
  8. 17. half the difference of the maximum and minimum values of circular functions
  9. 18. it is a function the range of which consists of a single real number k for all real numbers x in its domain
  10. 19. switching or interchanging of coordinates on the given ordered pairs
  1. 1. coined by John Napier, a Scottish mathematician. It is invented to simplify voluminous computations. Invented before exponents were in use
  2. 2. an imaginary line being approached but never touched or intersected by a graph as it goes through infinity
  3. 3. he contributed the conventionalization of the functional notation
  4. 5. it is nonalgebraic functions
  5. 7. set of all abscissas in a relation
  6. 8. association of individual/object to another individual/object
  7. 9. its equation is a first-degree polynomial
  8. 11. a real number which is the first coordinate of a point
  9. 12. the general shape of the graph of a quadratic function
  10. 20. turning point of a parabola where the direction changes from to downward to upward or vice versa