Math Crossword

  1. 3. the set of values of the dependent variable for which a function is defined
  2. 8. The product obtained by multiplying a number by itself one or more times.
  3. 9. Solutions, Limitless solutions
  4. 10. A polynomial with two terms.
  5. 12. A number used to indicate how many times to multiply the base by itself.
  6. 14. A set of ordered pairs
  7. 17. of a System of Linear Equations, the ordered pair that makes both equations true at the same time
  8. 21. each number in a sequence
  9. 22. Line Test, A test used to determine whether a relation is a function by checking if a vertical line touches 2 or more points on the graph of a relation
  10. 23. the value that results from the substitution of a given input into an expression or function; the dependent variable
  11. 25. The______________ method involves expressing one variable in terms of the other variable and substituting an expression into the other equation.
  12. 28. numbers, Counting Numbers. Examples: 1,2,3,4,5,6...... (does not include 0, fractions and decimals)
  13. 29. A sum of monomials.
  14. 33. Notation, Multiplying a number times 10 raised to a power.
  15. 34. an ordered list of numbers that often form a pattern
  16. 37. Value ,The highest point of a parabola ( when a<0)
  17. 38. Number, Any number that exists. Includes all rational and irrational numbers
  18. 40. Rule, An equation that describes a function
  19. 41. the point of intersection of lines or the point opposite the base of a figure
  1. 1. Number, A number that is to be raised to a power.
  2. 2. the set of values of the independent variable for which a function is defined
  3. 4. function, a function which has a graph which is not a straight line
  4. 5. An expression that is either a numeral, a variable, or the product of a numeral and one or more variables.
  5. 6. interest, Interest calculated on both the principal and the accrued interest.
  6. 7. Function, a function that can be written in the form f(x)=ax^2+bx+c, where a, b & c are real numbers and a is not equal to zero
  7. 8. Square, A number that is the product of two identical factors.
  8. 11. Number, All numbers that can be expressed as a fraction. Includes ALL natural, whole and integer numbers. Examples: 5, 1/5, -7, .08, -4.3
  9. 13. A set under a set.
  10. 15. sequence, a sequence in which the difference between any two consecutive terms is constant (the same)
  11. 16. Positive and Negative Whole Numbers and 0. Examples: .... -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3.....(Does not include fractions or decimals)
  12. 18. solution, there is no solution to the problem
  13. 19. form of a Radical Expression, A rational expression whose numerator and denominator have no factors in common other than 1
  14. 20. function, a function in which the graph of the solutions forms a line
  15. 24. Form, A way to write a number or expression in a more compact structure using exponents.
  16. 26. number, Any non-repeating, non-ending number. Examples: .4523975......., square root of 3, pi
  17. 27. A polynomial with three terms.
  18. 30. numbers, Natural Numbers and 0. Examples: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 (etc) Does not include fractions or decimal
  19. 31. Value, The lowest point of a parabola (when a>0)
  20. 32. the value substituted into an expression or function; the independent variable
  21. 35. a quantity that does not vary
  22. 36. a Number, When you multiply a number by itself.
  23. 39. of Linear Inequalities, Two or more linear inequalities that use the same variables