Math Lab Crossword

  1. 1. lunch that Mrs. I has
  2. 2. slope of a horizontal line
  3. 5. slope of a vertical line
  4. 6. name of upcoming dance
  5. 7. a class where slope is called rate of change
  6. 10. name of a boy in class
  7. 13. name of game with a free space
  8. 15. what you just took a quiz on
  9. 16. name of a girl in class
  10. 18. a class you only go to on Mondays
  1. 1. equation used to find slope
  2. 3. hour late start
  3. 4. name of break coming up
  4. 7. how many periods in a day
  5. 8. a class where you write and read
  6. 9. name of game played in Int 1 yesterday
  7. 11. _____ over run
  8. 12. what you learn with Mrs. I
  9. 14. something you check every week in math lab
  10. 17. non-math class that Mrs. I teaches