Math Makes Sense

  1. 4. Has 3 Equal Sides And Equal Angles
  2. 7. Circumference of A ?
  3. 9. The lines in a graph
  4. 11. 3.1415926 is ?
  5. 12. Has 3 Sides and 3 Angles
  6. 13. A triangle with an angle over 90*
  7. 14. Angles on the outside
  8. 18. Our class is sometimes ?
  9. 19. What do we use in Math
  10. 22. Has 4 Equal Sides and Angles
  1. 1. Down or up at a slant
  2. 2. The Shape of the Earth
  3. 3. How to find an Angle exactly opposite
  4. 5. 6 sides, all equal
  5. 6. Back and forth
  6. 8. Angles on the inside
  7. 10. Our teacher is ? most of the time
  8. 15. An angle smaller than 90*
  9. 16. Parallel Lines and A transversal
  10. 17. Our Teacher is often ?
  11. 20. The subject of this crossword
  12. 21. A test in Math every 3 Years