Math Project Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. Instantaneous Rate of Change.
  2. 4. The intersection of two sets is a new set that contains all of the elements that are in both sets.
  3. 7. Triangle, Triangular array of the binomial coefficients that arises in probability theory, combinatorics, and algebra.
  4. 9. The set made by combining the elements of two sets.
  5. 10. Distribution, Refers to the number of times a value occurs.
  6. 11. Determines the number of possible arrangements in a set when the order matters.
  7. 13. Diagram, A diagram that represents a sequence of events that happened.
  8. 14. How likely something is to happen.
  9. 16. Consists of a series of equal- width bars drawn on a horizontal axis.
  10. 17. Graph, Compares several related pieces of data using horizontal or vertical bars of width.
  11. 19. Theorem, The formula is used to figure out probabilities for binomial experiments.
  12. 20. Set, A set that contains the line segment joining two of  its points.
  1. 1. A numerical value equal to the area under the graph of a function for some interval.
  2. 3. Determines the number of possible arrangements in a collection of items where the order does not matter.
  3. 5. The product of all positive integers less than or equal to a given positive integer.  the symbol it represents is an exclamation point.
  4. 6. Graph, A graph that uses a broken line to illustrate how one quantity changes with respect to another.
  5. 8. Divisor, The quotient of the total population divided by the number distributed.
  6. 10. A set of ordered pairs in which the first component is associated with exactly one second component.
  7. 12. A function that describes the function's instantaneous rate of change at a certain point.
  8. 15. A function that reverses what the derivative does.
  9. 18. Graph, AKA pie chart illustrates a whole quantity divided into parts or slices like a pie.