Math Statistics

  1. 2. Left, is when the negative skew indicates that the tail on the left side of the probability density function is longer or fatter than the right side.
  2. 5. Frequency, a relative frequencies in the body of the table.
  3. 7. is the average of the numbers.
  4. 8. Frequency Table, a table with r rows and c columns in which the entry in cell.
  5. 9. Quartile, is the median of the lower half of a set of data.
  6. 11. a degree to which two variables are associated.
  7. 13. a data that can be spread out (Bell Curve).
  8. 14. Frequency, is entries in the body of the table.
  9. 17. the values that divide a list of numbers into quarters.
  10. 19. the total row and total column.
  11. 21. the difference between the lowest and highest values.
  12. 22. the number which appears most often in a set of numbers.
  1. 1. Of Best Fit, a line on a graph showing the general direction that a group of points seem to be heading.
  2. 2. Plot, a graph of paired data in which the data values are plotted as (x, y) points.
  3. 3. Range, is the difference between the first quartile and third quartile of a set of data.
  4. 4. Plot, a graphical display of data using dots.
  5. 6. the form of an object.
  6. 10. & Whisker, a graphic way to display the median quartiles and extremes of a data set on a number line to show the distribution of the data.
  7. 12. a the data is grouped into ranges and then plotted as bars.
  8. 15. a data point that is distinctly separate from the rest of the data.
  9. 16. the middle number (in a sorted list of numbers).
  10. 18. Distribution, a function that represents the distribution of many random variables as a symmetrical bell-shaped graph.
  11. 20. Quartile, is the median of the lower half of a set of data.
  12. 22. Absolute Deviation (MAD), is a measure of the variability of a univariate sample of quantitative data.