Math Terms

  1. 4. find the value of a variable
  2. 7. math that included shapes
  3. 9. a math phrase with at least two terms (sections)
  4. 11. a shape with 4 equal sides and 4 right angles
  5. 12. the chance of something happening
  6. 14. a number that is next to a variable which means they are being multiplied
  7. 16. a letter that represents an unknown number
  8. 17. the answer to a multiplication problem
  9. 18. the amount out of 100 of something happening
  10. 21. the average. add up and divided by how many numbers you have
  11. 23. the middle number in a set of data
  12. 24. the answer to an addition problem
  13. 25. a 4 sided shape with 2 sets of parallel sides
  1. 1. make the expression as small as possible
  2. 2. the answer to a division problem
  3. 3. a 4 sided shape with right angles and 2 sets of parallel sides
  4. 5. math that included the use of variables(letters)
  5. 6. a shape with three sides
  6. 8. math actions such add, subtract, multiply, divide
  7. 10. the answer to a subtraction problem
  8. 13. number that shows up most often
  9. 15. 2 lines that cross at 90 degrees
  10. 19. a 4 sided shape with 1 set of parallel sides
  11. 20. 2 lines that will never cross
  12. 22. a math sentence that included an equal sign