Math Terms

  1. 3. even integers that come right after each other
  2. 5. a line, segment, or ray that intersects a segment at its midpoint and forms four right angles
  3. 9. when the graph crosses the y-axis
  4. 11. two angles that form a linear pair are supplementary
  5. 14. the values that correspond to each of the x values in the domain
  6. 23. y=kxz/w
  7. 24. no x values repeat
  8. 29. a geometric figure made up of two rays that have a common endpoint called the vertex
  9. 30. two non-overlapping angles that share a common side and common vertex
  10. 32. to change the original graph to match the equation
  11. 33. a(x-h)2+k=y
  12. 34. a line that cuts through the vertex
  13. 35. a line, segment, or ray, that hits at a vertex and cuts the angle into two congruent parts
  14. 36. when the graph crosses the x-axis
  15. 38. two lines that intersect to form four right angles; slopes are negative reciprocals; form adjacent congruent angles
  16. 40. two angles whose measurements add up to 90 degrees
  17. 41. also called a midline
  1. 1. any point equidistant from the endpoints of a segment is on the perpendicular bisector of the segment
  2. 2. ax2+bx+c=y
  3. 4. two adjacent angles whose uncommon opposite sides form opposite rays
  4. 5. a closed figure made up of line segments in a two dimensional plane
  5. 6. an exponent that is written as a fraction
  6. 7. interval going left to right where y values are increasing
  7. 8. integers that come right after each other
  8. 10. lines that never intersect
  9. 12. y=kx
  10. 13. highest(max) or lowest(min) point on a graph
  11. 15. point in the middle of a line segment
  12. 16. odd integers that come right after each other
  13. 17. y/x
  14. 18. a2+b2=c2
  15. 19. a common way to organize a proof in geometry
  16. 20. y=kxz
  17. 21. consists of two endpoints and all points of the line between two endpoints
  18. 22. y=k/x
  19. 25. values we substitute in for the x
  20. 26. two angles whose measurements add up to 180 degrees
  21. 27. part of a line that has one endpoint and goes on infinitely in only one direction
  22. 28. determines if there are 1, 2, or no x-int
  23. 31. a line that intersects two or more lines
  24. 37. interval going left to right where y values are decreasing
  25. 39. an infinitely thin and infinitely long collection of points extending in two opposite directions