Math terms

  1. 3. the perpendicular distance from the center of a regular polygon to a side.
  2. 5. each regular polygon has a point within it that is equidistant from all vertices.
  3. 8. triangles with congruent corresponding angles and corresponding sides.
  4. 10. the type of transformation that shifts or slides every point of a figure the same distance and direction.
  5. 13. a ratio of two sides of a right triangle
  6. 18. vanishing point.
  7. 19. measure of an angle where that tangent is known
  8. 23. results an image smaller than its preimage
  9. 24. a change in position, size, or shape.
  10. 25. for a positive number a and b is the positive number x .
  11. 26. total area of all its faces and curved surfaces.
  12. 29. ratio of the length of the leg opposite to the angle adjacent to the angle
  13. 34. angle formed by a horizontal and line of sight to a point below .
  14. 36. coplanar circles
  15. 38. transformation that does not change the size or shape of a figure.
  16. 39. particular properties of triangles.
  17. 40. common vertex of lateral faces
  18. 41. set of two or more equations
  19. 43. the side opposite of the vertex angle
  20. 45. pyramid with a regular polygon as a base
  21. 46. measure of an angle where the cosine is known
  22. 47. is the fixed point around which a figure is rotated
  23. 48. drawing a three-dimensional using isometric dotpaper.
  24. 49. the shape that results from a transformation.
  25. 50. the ratio of the length of the leg adjacent to the hypotenuse
  1. 1. one pair of consecutive angles
  2. 2. to both bases
  3. 4. the study of sides and angles of triangles
  4. 6. diagram of the faces of a three-dimensional figure.
  5. 7. a transformation across a line.
  6. 9. one of two congruent sides of the triangle.
  7. 11. point that divides a segment into two congruent segments.
  8. 12. the small marks next to a T'U'V'.
  9. 14. circular face of a cone
  10. 15. angle formed by a horizontal line and line of sigh to a point above.
  11. 16. the angle formed b the legs of the triangle.
  12. 17. the ratio of the length of the leg opposite to the hypotenuse
  13. 20. two angles that have the the base of the triangle as a side.
  14. 21. trapezoid with congruent legs
  15. 22. the original figure in a transformation.
  16. 27. set of points in a space that are a fixed distance
  17. 28. property illustrated when the image of transformation of a figure
  18. 30. non vertical parallel lines appear to meet at a point called a vanishing point.
  19. 31. form of probability that is defined as a ratio of geometric measure.
  20. 32. sum of the area
  21. 33. prism whose lateral faces are all rectangles and whose lateral edges are
  22. 35. triangle formed by three midsegments of a triangle.
  23. 37. measure of an angle where the sine rotation is known
  24. 42. number of unit cubes of a given size that will exactly fill the interior of a solid.
  25. 44. horizontal lines that contain the vanishing points.