Math terms

  1. 3. a set of outcomes with the same results
  2. 4. the values in a list are added and then divided the number of values
  3. 5. the longest side of a right triangle
  4. 8. the middle value in an ordered list
  5. 10. a value "far away" from the other values in a set of data
  6. 11. most common value in a list
  7. 13. the time it takes for a quantity to decay or be reduced to half its initial ammount
  8. 14. the difference between the greatest and least values in a set of data
  1. 1. a possible result of an experiment
  2. 2. a group of individuals or items that represent the population
  3. 6. the graph of a quadratic relation
  4. 7. the point at which the parabola changes from decreasing to increasingor from increasing to decreasing
  5. 9. one round of probability experiment
  6. 12. the x-intercepts of a quadratic relation