Math Trivia

  1. 2. The only number that is spelled in English with the same number of letters as the number itself
  2. 5. If you solve one of the six unsolved math problems you win this many dollars.
  3. 6. The term Googol was coined by a person who was this old.
  4. 10. The last name of the person who invented the equal sign.
  5. 11. An exclamation mark is called this in math.
  6. 13. The name of the division symbol(รท).
  7. 14. The name of a shape with twenty sides.
  8. 16. In a room of 23 people there is this percent chance that 2 people have the same birthday.
  1. 1. The Sieve of Eratosthenes is used to find this type of number.
  2. 3. 0,1,1,2,3,5 are the first 6 numbers of this sequence.
  3. 4. On March 14th people celebrate this irrational number.
  4. 7. This number is not represented in Roman numerals
  5. 8. The polar diameter of the Earth is approximately equal to half a ______ inches
  6. 9. The word calculus means this in Greek.
  7. 12. The only number that is spelled in English with numbers arranged in alphabetical order.
  8. 15. This type of number always has the letter "e" in its names.