- 2. Numbers with no fractions or decimals, but include negative numbers
- 4. Any number that CANNOT be written as a simple fraction because the decimal goes on forever without repeating
- 6. Any number GREATER than zero
- 10. Any number that CAN be written as a fraction or a ratio
- 12. Any number LESS than zero
- 13. A line that orders and compares rational numbers
- 1. The distance of a number from zero on a number line
- 3. only whole numbers from 1 and up
- 5. The ______________ of Opposites Property says that the opposite of the opposite of a number is the number itself
- 7. Something that is endless, unlimited, or without bounds
- 8. A letter or symbol used in place of a quantity we don't know yet
- 9. A number that does not include fractions, decimals, or negative numbers
- 11. All the numbers that can be found on a number line