- 4. the top number in a fraction, which shows how many equal parts are to be counted
- 5. 2 or more different fractions that represent the same amount (1/2 and 2/4)
- 7. a number expressed as some number of equal parts of a whole
- 9. a whole number that divides evenly into another number
- 12. 1 of 100 equal parts of a whole (1/100 or 0.01)
- 13. for 2 or more fractions a common multiple of the denominators
- 1. the form of a fraction in which the numerator and denominator have no common factors other than one (simplest form)
- 2. the lowest common multiple of a set of denominators in a fraction
- 3. the largest factor that all numbers share (ex 12 and 20's gcf is 4)
- 6. any fraction whose numerator is 1
- 8. the result of multiplying 2 or more numbers together
- 10. a number that is the product of a given whole number and any other whole number (ex 3, 6, and 12 are multiples of 3)
- 11. the bottoom number in a fraction