Math Vocab

  1. 2. Angles- angles touching each other
  2. 4. Pair- two adjacent supplementary angles
  3. 6. having the same measure
  4. 7. points on the same line
  5. 9. a single location in space
  6. 10. a two-dimensional surface that extends infinitely
  7. 12. where two lines cross
  8. 15. Angles- congruent angles opposite from each other that share a vertex
  9. 16. Angles- angles thats' sum equal to 180 degrees
  10. 17. Angles- angles thats' sum equal to 90 degrees
  11. 18. the point at which a line is bisected
  1. 1. Terms- terms without a definitive measure
  2. 3. the amount of space between two points
  3. 5. Addition Postulate- the sum of two angles is equal to the larger angle they create (abc+cbd=abd)
  4. 7. points on the same plane
  5. 8. a point moving through space in a straight path
  6. 10. a segment of a line
  7. 11. Angle- an angle that is adjacent to an interior angle, but lies outside of a shape
  8. 13. Addition Postulate- a segment divided into smaller parts is equal to the sum of the smaller parts (ab+bc=ac)
  9. 14. a line that cuts a line in half