math vocab

  1. 3. (of a number) multiplied by itself.
  2. 5. the number 1; the value that when multiplied by another number yields the same number
  3. 6. in [insert the square root of x cubed here] the [insert square root sign here] symbol is the radical symbol
  4. 12. a result obtained by dividing one quantity by another.
  5. 13. a product of repeated factors, which is usually expressed in exponential form
  6. 14. the number in a subtraction problem from which another number is subtracted
  7. 15. a quantity or number to be subtracted from another.
  8. 16. the answer to a multiplication problem in which a factor multiplied by a factor would give you a product
  1. 1. the number contained within (under) the radical sign
  2. 2. an integer b is a perfect square if b=a(squared), where a is an integer
  3. 4. the positive square root
  4. 7. the set (notated as Q') of real numbers that cannot be written as a ratio of integers (the decimal neither repeats nor terminates)
  5. 8. the total amount resulting from the addition of two or more numbers, amounts, or items
  6. 9. an integer b is a perfect cube if b=a(cubed), where a is an integer
  7. 10. two numbers located the same distance away from 0 on a number line but in opposite directions
  8. 11. one of a number's 2 equal factors