- 3. counting numbers but starting at 0, 0,1,2,3,4
- 4. Center of the number line
- 6. numbers used when counting objects, 1,2,3,4
- 10. Denominatorin division
- 11. decimals that do not repeat/terminate
- 12. A way to represent locations of numbers
- 13. Point that is equally distance to original numbers
- 15. Positive and negative whole numbers
- 17. What you're counting by on the number line spaced even
- 19. Taking numbers outside the parentheses
- 20. Amount of space between two numbers
- 1. The answer for division problems
- 2. numbers to the left of zero, less than zero
- 5. Multiply by one and get the same number
- 7. numbers that are the same distance away from zero
- 8. Set of rules or methods on how to do a problem
- 9. numbers to the right of zero, greater than zero
- 14. A way to compare numbers that are not equal
- 16. integers,fractions,decimals that terminate/repeat
- 18. Numerator in division