Math Vocab Crossword

  1. 3. Patterns and arrangements:arabesque, argyle, arrangement...
  2. 5. a measure of how likely something is to happen
  3. 6. a number or symbol used in a calculation in mathematics
  4. 8. a series of numbers or symbols that you write when you are calculating something
  5. 9. a difference in the usual or expected way of doing something
  6. 10. a statement, especially in mathematics, that can be proved to be true by reasoning
  7. 11. a problem or statement in mathematics or logic that must be solved or proved true or false
  8. 14. he counting of numbers backward, for example from ten to zero, before something important happens
  9. 15. the amount, level, standard, etc. that is typical of a group of people or things
  10. 16. the lack of the ability to do basic mathematics
  11. 19. an expression that has two parts connected by the sign + or the sign –, for example 2x + 3y or x – 12
  1. 1. the process of separating people or things into smaller groups or parts
  2. 2. a position that comes after the decimal point in a decimal. 0.0164 has four decimal places
  3. 3. calculations using numbers
  4. 4. a record of the number of things that someone has done, won, or achieved
  5. 7. General words relating to mathematics and geometry
  6. 12. an expression in algebra (=a type of mathematics) that contains two or more terms
  7. 13. a simple calculation.
  8. 17. a statement that two sets of numbers, letters, or symbols are equal
  9. 18. a group of letters or numbers that represents a rule in science or mathematics