Math Vocab Daniel Kalleb

  1. 1. precise place or location on plane
  2. 4. point on line segment that divides it to two equal parts
  3. 6. number that produces specified quanity of number multiplied by itself
  4. 8. triangles triangles that have both same size and shape
  5. 9. triangle triangle with two equal sides in measure
  6. 10. having a common vertex and side
  7. 11. three sided figure
  8. 13. angle angle that measures more than 90 degrees but less than 180
  9. 14. angle an angle whose measure is 180 degrees
  10. 15. quanity that expresses the extent of a two-dimensional surface or shape
  1. 1. distance around figure or shape
  2. 2. triangle triangles whose interior angles are all acute
  3. 3. angle angle that measures 90 degrees
  4. 5. equal in size and shape
  5. 7. triangle triangle with three equal sides of measure
  6. 10. the space between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet
  7. 12. geometrical object that is straight, infinitely long and infinitely thin
  8. 14. triangle a triangle that has no equal sides