Math vocabs

  1. 3. when two shapes are the same but a different size.
  2. 4. a function that describes a change in positions,size or shape of a figure.
  3. 8. contain 3 positive integers of pythagorean theorom.
  4. 12. a number that is all of your counting numbers.
  5. 16. Opposite side of the transversal outside the two lines.
  6. 19. A pair of numbers that is the opposite of the coordinate plane.(1,2).
  7. 22. Same side of the transversal between the two lines.
  8. 24. An turn of a figure.
  9. 25. numbers that are positive and negative numbers.
  10. 26. a way to express numbers that are very large or very small.
  11. 29. the product of two equal factors and is the “square” of the number.
  12. 33. A straight line that passes through a circle.
  13. 34. Same side of the transversal outside the two lines.
  14. 35. an enlargement or reduction of a figure.
  15. 36. Two adjustment angels forming a straight line.
  16. 38. An image that reflects through the line.
  17. 39. πr2h/3
  18. 40. The longest side of the Pythagorean theorem
  1. 1. A pair of matching angles at the same spot.
  2. 2. an number cannot be written as a fraction,is non-terminating,is non-repeating,and is a non-perfect square and cube.
  3. 5. Two angles that are occupied corresponding positions.
  4. 6. dilation,reflection,translation,and reflection.
  5. 7. 4/3πr3
  6. 9. πr2h
  7. 10. an symbol which is used for square roots and cubes.
  8. 11. a2 + b2 = c2
  9. 13. A ratio that is between the scale of a given original object.
  10. 14. An number which produces a given number when it is cubed.
  11. 15. Opposite sides of the transversal between the two lines
  12. 17. the same
  13. 18. an number tells how many times the base is multiplied.
  14. 20. the opposite of squaring a number is to take the square root.
  15. 21. the product of three equal factors is the “cubing of the number”.(raising a number to a power 3).
  16. 23. Opposite angles with the same vertex.
  17. 27. A graph that has 4 quadrants and a X and Y graph that goes up to down and left to right.
  18. 28. positive numbers and starts at 0.
  19. 30. A line that intersects two or more parallel lines at different points.
  20. 31. flip of an figure.”mirror image”
  21. 32. an number that is written as a fraction,written in decimal form,terminating and repeating,perfect squares and perfect cubes,and the whole number,integers,and natural number.
  22. 37. An number that is the quantity that can be expressed as an infinite decimal expansion.