Math Vocabulary

  1. 1. unfairly for or against someone or something.
  2. 4. chart that shows statistical data based on the minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum.
  3. 5. People decide whether or not to be in the sample that a researcher puts out.
  4. 6. inference based upon sound evidence.
  5. 9. process of drawing conclusions about something.
  6. 10. practice of collecting and analyzing numerical data in large quantities used for proportions.
  7. 12. A selection that is chosen by random.
  8. 13. arrange members of a population in some order, pick a random starting point, and select every member in a set interval.
  9. 14. measured by the quantity of something rather than its quality.
  10. 15. no prejudice for or against something.
  11. 17. chart where data is plotted with dots and show quantity and averages.
  12. 18. An outcome of a random experiment.
  13. 19. inference that does not guarantee the truth of the conclusion.
  1. 2. two box and whisker plots on the same number line. They are used for comparisons of two different populations on the same subject.
  2. 3. A small quantity of something larger, represents the same properties and proportions like that of a larger population.
  3. 7. The researcher chooses a sample that is readily available in some non-random way.
  4. 8. Group of animals or people that share one common characteristic for analysis and data collection.
  5. 11. method of data collection used to gather information about.
  6. 14. describes a subject, and cannot be expressed as a number.
  7. 16. a randomly selected subset of a population. Each member has an exactly equal chance of being selected.