Math Vocabulary

  1. 3. Grouping symbols,(), used to tell which part of an equation to calculate first
  2. 5. The result of subtracting one number from another.
  3. 6. Numbers that represent a calculation.
  4. 9. A group of mathematical symbols that represents a number
  5. 10. Than When a number is less than another.
  6. 11. Find an answer to a mathematical expression.
  7. 12. the result of adding two or more numbers.
  8. 13. To show, symbolize, or stand for.
  9. 15. Symbols Grouping symbols such as (), [], or {}.
  10. 16. The result of dividing one number from another.
  1. 1. To make a number smaller.
  2. 2. To make a number bigger.
  3. 4. To find an answer.
  4. 7. Than When a number is greater than another.
  5. 8. The result of multiplying two or more numbers.
  6. 14. A number sentence that contains an equals sign