math vocabulary

  1. 8. a number or quantity from which a root is to be extracted
  2. 9. the process of finding the factors that are multiplied to reach a certain number
  3. 10. a math equation that has three terms which are connected by plus or minus notations
  4. 12. the difference between the largest and smallest values
  5. 15. a polynomial which has only one term
  6. 16. method used to multiply two binomials
  7. 17. the smallest value that a mathematical function can have over its entire curve
  8. 19. a number that produces a specified number when it is multiplied by itself
  9. 24. a combination of symbols that is well-formed according to rules that depend on the context
  10. 25. single number or variable
  11. 27. the opposite of something
  12. 30. a way of expressing a standard number using a base and a smaller raised number
  13. 33. a statement about the relative size or order of two values
  14. 34. the solution of the quadratic equation
  15. 38. the one that occurs the most in the set data
  16. 39. a line which is parallel to x-axis in such a way that the distance between curve and line approaches to zero
  17. 43. a vertical line that a graph of a rational function can never cross
  18. 44. a way of writing down very large or very small numbers easily
  19. 45. explains how to solve the problem
  20. 46. x → ∞ and x → -∞
  21. 47. x^0= 1
  22. 49. π
  23. 50. A zero or root of a polynomial function is a number that, when plugged in for the variable, makes the function equal to zero
  24. 51. the point at where the graph of a function or relation crosses the y-axis
  1. 1. a mathematical expression consisting of two terms connected by a plus sign or minus sign
  2. 2. a quantity whose value does not change
  3. 3. to make something simpler or easier to do or understand
  4. 4. the inverse operation to exponentiation
  5. 5. a point at which some function crosses the x-axis
  6. 6. a quantity that may change within the context of a mathematical problem or experiment
  7. 7. x^2 − 4x 7
  8. 11. a polynomial correspond to the x-intercepts of the graph of that polynomial
  9. 13. occurs when the polynomial in the numerator is a higher degree than the polynomial in the denominator
  10. 14. an event consisting of n out of m possible equally likely occurrences
  11. 18. logarithm to the base of the mathematical constant e
  12. 20. a polynomial of degree 2
  13. 21. largest value a given function assumes on a specified set
  14. 22. equation any expression containing a radical
  15. 23. equal to the quotient obtained when the dividend and divisor are each raised to the indicated power separately
  16. 26. all of the possible roots can be found by dividing each of the factors of the constant term by each of the factors of the leading coefficient
  17. 28. (xy)a = x^ay^b
  18. 29. the coefficient of the leading term
  19. 31. object is one that is distorted so that is seems to 'lean over' at an angle
  20. 32.
  21. 35. the middle value of the set of data
  22. 36. an algebraic expression that can be written as the ratio of two polynomial expressions
  23. 37. a³ = x.
  24. 40. a mathematical object is a topological structure which prevents the object from being continuously shrunk to a point
  25. 41. the average of all data
  26. 42. the set of all possible values that can be used as input values in a function
  27. 48. an equation or function that is the equation of a straight line