Math Vocabulary

  1. 2. Used to find the measurement of a 2D or 3D figure
  2. 3. A number with only two factors, 1 and itself
  3. 5. The sum of the areas of the faces of a 3D figure
  4. 7. A number representing how many times a base number is multiplied to itself
  5. 10. Data values that increase or decrease at a constant rate
  6. 11. The number that appears the most in a set of data
  7. 13. A number with more than two factors
  8. 15. An open sentence that contains symbols like <,>
  9. 17. a(b + c) = ab + ac is an example of what property?
  10. 19. This is the operation displayed by all fractions and ratios
  11. 21. An equation stating two ratios are equal
  12. 24. What you should always do to your ratios
  13. 26. x + y = y + x is an example of what property?
  14. 27. Letters used to represent unspecified numbers or values
  15. 29. Angles measuring more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees
  16. 33. Another word for equal
  17. 34. Angles measuring 180 degrees
  18. 36. The middle point of an angle
  19. 38. The distance around a polygon
  20. 40. A value used to find the circumference and area of a circle
  21. 42. Whole numbers on a numberline (positive, negative and zero)
  22. 43. A point on the coordinate plane
  23. 44. The distance between the least and the greatest data values
  24. 45. x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z is an example of what property?
  25. 47. Angles measuring 90 degrees
  26. 48. a data display in which dots are placed above a numberline
  27. 49. The order of operations
  28. 50. A set of numbers that can be expressed in the form of a fraction
  29. 52. Another word for equal in size and dimension
  1. 1. The distance around a circle
  2. 4. Two angles with measures that have a sum of 180 degrees
  3. 6. The middle number in a set of data
  4. 8. In the term, 3x, the 3 is called what?
  5. 9. the sum of numbers in a data set divided by the number of items in the data set
  6. 12. Angles measuring less than 90 degrees
  7. 14. The distance from zero on a number line
  8. 16. Two angles that share one side and a vertex
  9. 18. Two angles with measures that have a sum of 90 degrees
  10. 20. 6xy is an example of this
  11. 22. Terms that contain the same variables
  12. 23. A diagram that divides a set of data into four parts using the median and quartiles
  13. 25. A never-ending amount of values or solutions to an equation
  14. 28. The measure of space a 3D figure occupies
  15. 30. A number sentence with an equal sign
  16. 31. Operations that are opposite like, addition and subtraction
  17. 32. plane containing an x and y axis
  18. 35. The "flip" of a fraction
  19. 36. Two congruent, nonadjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines
  20. 37. the line that intersects two parallel lines
  21. 39. How much space a 2D shape occupies
  22. 41. A ratio that compares a number to 100
  23. 46. A comparison of two numbers by division
  24. 51. A 2D pattern to cut and fold in order to create a 3D figure