Math Vocabulary (By CG)

  1. 2. An integer whose square root is not a whole number
  2. 5. A quantity or amount
  3. 7. Algebraic expression that does not contain any variables
  4. 8. Decimals that never terminate and have no repeating.
  5. 11. Part of a whole number
  6. 12. Pronold
  7. 13. Decimals that have no ends
  8. 14. A number which produces a specified quantity when multiplied by itself.
  9. 15. 5+0=5
  10. 17. Any number that can be written as the ratio of two integers
  11. 22. 5/4*4/5=1
  12. 24. Positive numbers without zero that are not fractions or decimals
  13. 26. a whole number; a number that is not a fraction
  14. 28. a number that is multiplied by the variable in an algebraic expression
  15. 29. 6x4=4x6
  16. 31. (5+7)+9=(9+5)+7
  1. 1. 0.98
  2. 3. positive integers from zero to infinite that are not fractions or decimals
  3. 4. A number multiplied by another number to get to a product
  4. 6. 7*1=7
  5. 9. An integer whose square root is a whole number
  6. 10. 6(4x+3)=24x+18
  7. 16. <,>,≤,≥
  8. 18. Decimals that have ends
  9. 19. Non-consistent, liable to change
  10. 20. 5+3=8 → 8-3=5
  11. 21. Has at least one variable and one expression
  12. 23. 6-6=0
  13. 25. |-7|=7
  14. 27. Any number that can be written on a number line
  15. 30. 3.14159...