Math Vocabulary

  1. 2. A perfectly flat surface extending in all directions forever.
  2. 5. lines Two lines lying in the same plane that will never intersect.
  3. 7. Same size and shape.
  4. 9. angle An angle whose measure is greater than 90 degrees.
  5. 11. angle An angle whose measure is less than 90 degrees.
  6. 13. When three or more points lie on a straight line.
  7. 16. angle An angle whose measure is 90 degrees.
  8. 17. A location in space.
  1. 1. A partial line that starts at one point and goes on forever in one direction.
  2. 2. A geometric shape made up of vertices that are connected with line segments.
  3. 3. The set of points is formed when two rays both start at the same point.
  4. 4. Is the starting point.
  5. 5. lines Intersect in a 90 degree right angle.
  6. 6. Any objects that lie in the same plane
  7. 8. lines Two or more lines which have no intersections but are not parallel.
  8. 10. to cut in half
  9. 12. The exact middle point.
  10. 14. segment A part of a line that is bounded by two distinct end points, and contains every point on the line between its endpoints.
  11. 15. A point at which a line segment or a ray ends.