Math Vocabulary

  1. 3. squares The product of the sum and difference of two quantities.
  2. 7. What exponent or power the monomial is raised to.
  3. 8. ____ is the process of using a linear equation to make predictions about values that are beyond the range of the data.
  4. 9. When (4,6) is changed to (6,4) so its an ______.
  5. 10. used to investigate a relationship between two quantities.
  6. 11. data with two variables.
  7. 12. Taking the square root from each side of the quadratic equation.
  8. 13. ax^2 + bx + c = 0, where the a doesnt equal zero.
  9. 14. states the terms in order from greatest to least degree.
  10. 17. x^7 - 10x + 9
  11. 19. An expression where one variable can only have the exponent of two.
  12. 22. a monomial or the sum of monomials.
  13. 23. 0(11 - 11)= 0
  14. 24. What's the five called in 5x^3 + 2x?
  15. 25. Sometimes known as trend line.
  16. 26. A linear relation that is described by a function has an ____.
  17. 27. The term in the polynomial that has the highest degree.
  1. 1. using distributive property to multiply binomials.
  2. 2. ____ tells if your correlation is positive or negative and how closely the equation is modeling the data.
  3. 4. One algorithm.
  4. 5. ax + bx + az + bz = (ax + bx) + (az + bz) = x(a + b) + z(a + b) = (x + z)(a + b)
  5. 6. 2y^2 + 7
  6. 15. The difference between an observed y-value and an predicted y-value found on the best fir line is call a ____.
  7. 16. a^2 + 2ab + b^2, they're the squares of binomials.
  8. 18. A polynomial that can't be wrtten as a product of two polynomials with integral coefficients is called a ____.
  9. 20. Finding the completely factored form.
  10. 21. Best-fit line calculated using the medians of the coordinates of the data points.