Math with Mrs. Steele: Expectations & Class Policies

  1. 4. grading one depends on class
  2. 8. bathroom hall pass
  3. 9. organization things to save
  4. 11. snack not acceptable
  5. 12. attendance
  6. 14. retakes two
  7. 15. school supplies
  8. 17. retakes one
  9. 18. math support one
  10. 20. textbook resources
  11. 21. homework
  1. 1. calculator one
  2. 2. grading two depends on class
  3. 3. dress code
  4. 5. snack acceptable
  5. 6. math support two
  6. 7. calculator two
  7. 10. website
  8. 13. gum
  9. 16. missing assignments
  10. 19. keep in touch