Math Words

  1. 3. Usually the first basic operation that is taught
  2. 5. how thick something is in math
  3. 9. the total when adding
  4. 11. "take aways"
  5. 12. the process of doing addition
  6. 14. the total when subtracting
  7. 15. Usually the last basic operation that is taught
  8. 16. the number written below the line in a fraction
  9. 18. a fraction with a numerator greater than the denominator
  10. 20. what is L x W?
  11. 21. The operation that bascially clones numbers
  1. 1. how long something is in math
  2. 2. fraction a whole number and a fraction combined
  3. 4. the total when dividing
  4. 6. the process of subraction
  5. 7. the process of multiplication
  6. 8. a number that represents part of a whole
  7. 10. the process of division
  8. 13. the total when multiplying
  9. 17. the number written above the line in a fraction
  10. 19. A School Subject