Math !

  1. 2. the behavior of the greater of a function as x approaches positive infinity (+3) or negative infinity
  2. 3. an inverse relation that is a function
  3. 4. the ycoordinate of a turning point of a function if the points
  4. 6. a method used to divide a polynomials by a divisor of the form x-k
  5. 7. a factorable polynomial with integer coefficients is factor completely if it is written as a product of unfactorable polynomials with integer coefficient.
  6. 9. a function of the form f(x)=anx^n + an-1
  7. 11. when the x-values in a date set sre equally spaced the differences
  8. 15. the form au^2+bu+c where u is any expression in x
  9. 16. for an integer n greater than 1, if bn -a rhe b is an nth root of a
  10. 17. a rational expression in which the numerator and denominator have no common factors other than 1
  11. 19. a monomial or a sum of a monomials each of which is called a term of the polynomials
  12. 20. the composition if a function g with a function f is (x)= g(f(x)).
  13. 21. the y coordinate of a turning point of a function if the point of a function if the point is lower than all nearly points
  14. 22. a function of the form y=ax^b where a is a real numbers and b is a rational number.
  1. 1. a relation that interchanges the input and output values of the original relation.
  2. 5. a function that contains a radical with a variable in its radicand
  3. 6. the form y-ax^2+bx+c where a=0
  4. 8. for the polynomial equation f(x)=o, k is a repeated solution if and only if the factor x-k has an exponent greater than all nearby points.
  5. 9. the set of all points equidistant from a point called the focus and a line called the directly the graph of quadratic function y=ax+bx+c
  6. 10. radical expression with the same index and radicand
  7. 12. the integer n greater than 1 in the expression n square of a
  8. 13. a method used to evaluate a polynomial function.
  9. 14. to factor a polynomial with terms by grouping factor common monmials from pairs of terms and then look for a common binomial in x
  10. 18. a method used to divide a polynomials similar to the way you divide number