
  1. 2. line segment which intersects the circle at two points
  2. 8. circle whose radius is one unit
  3. 9. arc greater than 180 degrees
  4. 10. less than 90 degrees
  5. 12. 3.14159
  6. 13. ray from which the rotation ends
  7. 14. branch of mathematics which deals with triangles
  8. 17. angle whose vertex is on the circles
  9. 19. austrian mathematician and astronomer in the european revival of the technical understanding of ideas
  10. 24. measure of the central angle that subtends an arc equal to the length of the radius
  11. 25. ray from which the rotation starts
  12. 27. line w/c intersects the circle at one point only
  13. 28. generated by a ray rotating about a point
  14. 30. ε
  1. 1. any part of a circle
  2. 3. is a line segment from the center of the circle to any point of the circle
  3. 4. set of points w/c equidistant to a fixed point, center
  4. 5. founder of trigonometry of bythnia
  5. 6. greek word for three angle
  6. 7. made by rene descartes
  7. 11. greek word measure
  8. 15. usually known as the almagest
  9. 16. 360 degrees
  10. 18. line segment that divides the circle into w congruent semicircles
  11. 20. the positive acute angle formed between the terminal side of an angle and the x-axis.
  12. 21. angles whose vertex is the center of the circle
  13. 22. θ
  14. 23. angle which is 90 degrees
  15. 26. unit used for angle measurement
  16. 29. line that interacts the circle at two points