
  1. 2. angle An angle whose measure is 90 degrees.
  2. 4. The steepness of a line expressed as a ratio, using any two points on the line.
  3. 6. The line segment connecting two nonadjacent vertices in a polygon.
  4. 8. The result of two numbers being multiplied together.
  5. 9. The bottom of a plane figure or three-dimensional figure.
  6. 10. A mathematical statement that says that two expressions have the same value; any number sentence with an =.
  7. 12. A portion of the circumference of a circle.
  8. 13. To substitute number values into an expression.
  9. 15. The study of sound reasoning.
  10. 19. A point on a line segment that divides the segment into two congruent segments.
  11. 20. A type of drawing used to represent data.
  12. 21. A polyhedron with a polygonal base and lateral faces that taper to an apex.
  13. 23. A real number greater than zero.
  14. 26. A polygon with 4 sides.
  15. 29. The union of two rays with a common endpoint, called the vertex.
  16. 31. A triangle each of whose angles measures less than 90 degrees.
  17. 34. The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
  18. 35. A mathematical expression which shows that two quantities are not equal.
  19. 36. For an experiment, the total number of successful events divided by the total number of possible events.
  20. 37. A line segment that connects two points on a curve. that are a fixed distance from a given point, called the center.
  21. 39. A triangle with an obtuse angle.
  22. 42. Pair On the coordinate plane, the pair of numbers giving the location of a point
  23. 43. The set of points in a plane
  24. 44. The value of y at the point where a curve crosses the y-axis.
  25. 46. The set of numbers that includes zero and all of the natural numbers.
  26. 48. A quadrilateral with four equal sides and four 90 degree angles.
  27. 49. A equation that states a rule or a fact.
  28. 51. Two lines are parallel if they are in the same plane and never intersect.
  29. 52. The _____ of an equation is the same as the solution to the equation.
  30. 53. A value that does not change.
  31. 54. A line with zero slope.
  32. 55. Like a line. A description of any graph or data that can be modeled by a linear polynomial.
  33. 57. Tilted at an angle; neither vertical nor horizontal.
  34. 59. A three-dimensional figure with one vertex and a circular base
  35. 60. Information that is gathered.
  1. 1. number A real number that is less than zero.
  2. 3. The point on an angle where the two sides intersect.
  3. 5. A device for measuring angles.
  4. 7. A whole number that is not divisible by 2.
  5. 11. One of two or more expressions that are multiplied together to get a product.
  6. 14. In probability, a set of outcomes.
  7. 16. The additive identity; the number that, when added to another number n, gives n.
  8. 17. The distance from the center to a point on a circle; the line segment from the center to a point on a circle.
  9. 18. The horizontal axis in a Cartesian coordinate plane.
  10. 21. The distance around the outside of a plane figure. For a polygon, the perimeter is the sum of the lengths of the sides.
  11. 22. The middle number in a data set when the data are put in order; a type of average.
  12. 23. The theorem that relates the three sides of a right triangle
  13. 24. A limitless quantity.
  14. 25. value The distance of a number from zero; the positive value of a number.
  15. 27. The vertical axis in a Cartesian coordinate system.
  16. 28. part of a line, with one endpoint, and extending to infinity in one direction.
  17. 30. The value of x at the point where a line or curve crosses the x-axis.
  18. 32. A number that indicates the operation of repeated multiplication.
  19. 33. The side opposite the right angle in a right triangle.
  20. 38. A flat surface of a three-dimensional figure.
  21. 40. A line that intersects two other lines.
  22. 41. A three-sided polygon.
  23. 45. A number used to name a part of a group or a whole. The number below the bar is the denominator, and the number above the bar is the numerator.
  24. 47. The value of a variable that makes an equation true.
  25. 50. A type of average; the number (or numbers) that occurs most frequently in a set of data.
  26. 53. A three-dimensional figure having two parallel bases that are congruent circles.
  27. 56. triangle A triangle that contains a right angle.
  28. 58. To divide into two congruent parts.