
  1. 3. a term without a variable
  2. 6. tool for measuring feet
  3. 8. the product of two or more numbers
  4. 10. 3.14 is ...
  5. 13. A line that seperates a graph
  6. 15. one-hundredth part
  7. 16. Angle whose sum is 90
  8. 19. The degree of conformiy of a measurementwith a true value
  9. 20. 5280 ft
  10. 21. To combine two numbers
  11. 22. the most common number in a set
  1. 1. 12 inches
  2. 2. to find the numerical value of an expression
  3. 3. A numerical part of a term that contains a variable
  4. 4. the space within two lines or three or more planes diverging from a common point, or within two planes diverging from a common line.\
  5. 5. pertaining to tenths or to the number 10.
  6. 7. to increase a numerals value by means of doubling , tripling ect...
  7. 9. 2+2
  8. 11. To take away
  9. 12. The most common unit of measurement of an angle
  10. 13. a polynomial with two terms
  11. 14. Angles whos sum is 180
  12. 16. the distance around a circle
  13. 17. a flat surface
  14. 18. 3 feet