
  1. 2. a circular movement a full rotation is 360
  2. 4. a mirror image of other image
  3. 6. circle that passes through all vertical polygons
  4. 10. result of transfermation intersects to consider same and different
  5. 11. 2 lines that will never touch
  6. 14. lines with a start point but no endpoint
  7. 17. point halfway between the endpoints of line segment
  8. 19. perpendicular line or segment that passes through the midpoint of line
  9. 22. point of intersection of all 3 perpendicular bisector
  1. 1. an angle that cuts in between 2 lines and makes angles equal
  2. 3. an angle that adds up to 180 degrees
  3. 5. moving a shape without rotating or flipping it "sliding"
  4. 7. line or ray that divides a line segment into 2 equal parts
  5. 8. meeting point of 3 angle bisector
  6. 9. shape before and after possess same image
  7. 12. pair of adjacent angles that form straight line
  8. 13. point of which a line segment or ray ends
  9. 15. original image figure prior to transfermation
  10. 16. 2 lines that cross and make 90 degrees
  11. 18. an exact location no size only position
  12. 20. an angle that adds up to 90 degrees
  13. 21. biggest circle drawn on inside of polygon