
  1. 2. a triangle with (at least) two equal sides
  2. 5. that do not change or vary
  3. 6. point/the starting point of a ray
  4. 9. common point of two or more rays or line segments
  5. 10. number multiplying a variable
  6. 11. angles/two angles that share a common side
  7. 14. line that starts at a point and extends forever in one direction
  8. 15. angles that add up to 180 degrees
  9. 19. angle/smaller than 90 degrees
  10. 22. angle/exatly 180 degrees
  11. 23. angle/ bigger than 90 degrees but smaller than 180 degrees
  1. 1. terms/terms with the same variable
  2. 3. set of points that lies on a straight line
  3. 4. point where two lines meet
  4. 7. and extends forever in both directions
  5. 8. straight line that connects with two end points
  6. 12. angles that add up to 90 degrees
  7. 13. shape and size
  8. 16. an exact position
  9. 17. expression/an algebraic expression in which the variable is raised to the first power
  10. 18. shape formed by two lines
  11. 20. angles/a pair of angles formed by the intersection on to straight lines
  12. 21. angle/ 90 degrees