
  1. 3. probability that the statistic would take a value as extreme or more extreme than one observed
  2. 4. estimate of standard deviation of a statistic
  3. 5. reject the null when its true
  4. 6. probability the test will reject the null at a chosen significance level
  5. 9. if the sample size is greater than 30 than it is ____
  6. 11. plausible values for a parameter
  7. 13. success rate for calculating confidence interval
  8. 14. how far a sample is from what we expect if the null is true
  9. 18. difference between point estimate & true parameter
  10. 19. value of point estimator
  11. 20. data comes from a ____ sample
  1. 1. claim about the population that were trying to find evidence for
  2. 2. parameter is larger or smaller than the null value
  3. 7. claim we weigh evidence against a stat test
  4. 8. provides an estimate of population parameter
  5. 10. values in the final calculation that are free to vary
  6. 12. conduct statistical analysis on data that cant use normal analysis
  7. 15. when the p value is smaller than alpha
  8. 16. fail to reject the null when its false
  9. 17. parameter is different from the null value