
  1. 2. plot: 5 number summary graph
  2. 4. where is the graph above the x axis
  3. 7. displays data using ordered columns
  4. 10. used to determine the variability of the data
  5. 14. where the graph crosses the x axis
  6. 16. behavior: describes the left and right end of the graph
  7. 17. add or subtract a number called common difference
  8. 19. affects the center of the data
  1. 1. how far left and right does the graph go
  2. 3. which part of the graph goes down from left to right
  3. 5. how far up and down does the graph go
  4. 6. where is the graph below the x axis
  5. 8. concentrated towards the middle of the range of data
  6. 9. where does the graph cross the y axis
  7. 11. plot: graph consisting of points plotted on a simple scale
  8. 12. multiply a number called the common ratio
  9. 13. data is equally spread
  10. 15. which part of the graph goes up from left to right
  11. 18. highest y value minimum: lowest y value