
  1. 2. first,outer,inner,last
  2. 4. expression written with a base and an exponent
  3. 7. polynomial with degree 2
  4. 8. this means what %
  5. 10. outcome of an expression
  6. 12. a(b+c)=ab+ac
  7. 14. math phrase that contains operations, numbers, and variables
  8. 16. a polynomial with three terms
  9. 18. polynomial with degree 1
  10. 19. math class comes before geometry
  11. 21. a member of the set of whole numbers and their opposites
  12. 23. polynomial of degree 3
  13. 25. a polynomial with one term
  14. 26. value that does not change
  15. 27. term with same variable raised to the same exponent
  1. 1. four or more terms ....nomial
  2. 2. a number or expression multiplied by another number or expression to get a product
  3. 3. number multiplied by a variable
  4. 4. numbers to the right of zero on the number line
  5. 5. rational or irrational number
  6. 6. math statement that two expressions are equivalent
  7. 8. lines with the same slope
  8. 9. parts of the expression
  9. 11. a polynomial with two terms
  10. 13. shape with 3 sides
  11. 15. flip the term to make its ---------- ex. 2=1/2
  12. 17. numbers to the left of zero on the number line
  13. 20. number in a power that is used as a factor
  14. 22. number that indicates how many times the base is in a power is used as a factor
  15. 24. .1, 1.3, .4 these numbers are