
  1. 4. a segment with endpoints on a circle
  2. 6. C=2piR
  3. 8. Arcs that have one point in common
  4. 11. the line segment inside the circle that is twice the radius
  5. 12. an angle that has a vertex on a circle and sides that contain chords of the circle
  6. 14. l=x/360(2piR)
  7. 18. half a circle
  1. 1. arcs that have the same measurement
  2. 2. A round shape
  3. 3. the segments that form when two chords intersect inside a circle
  4. 5. circles with the same center
  5. 7. an arc that measures less than 180 degrees
  6. 9. half of a diameter
  7. 10. a line in the plane of a circle that intersects the circle in exactly one point
  8. 13. A part of a circle that is defined by two endpoints
  9. 15. anyline that intersects a circle in exactly two points
  10. 16. An arc that mesures more than 180 degrees
  11. 17. 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286
  12. 19. The point where radii from a locus of points form a circle