
  1. 3. / the line or plane upon which a figure is thought of as a resting.
  2. 4. / a mathematical sentence.
  3. 6. / a line segment extending from the vertex or apex of a figure to its base and forming a right angle with the base or basal plane.
  4. 10. / the values of x and y on a coordinate plane.
  5. 13. / a sentence that states one expression is greater than or equal to, less than, less than or equal to another expression (e.g., a does not = 5 or x < 7 ).
  6. 14. / a network of evenly spaced, parallel horizontal and vertical lines.
  7. 16. / horizontal and vertical number line used on a coordinate plane.
  8. 17. / a table of x- and y-values (ordered pairs) that represents the function, pattern, relationship, or sequence between the two variables.
  9. 18. / the comparison of two quantities.
  10. 19. / a mathematical sentence in which two expressions are connected by an equality symbol.
  11. 20. / the length of the boundary around a figure.
  1. 1. / any symbol that could represent a number.
  2. 2. / for any real numbers a, b, and x, x(a + b) = ax + bx.
  3. 5. / a line on which numbers can be written or visualized.
  4. 7. / the numbers in the set {...,-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,...}.
  5. 8. / the middle point of a set of ordered numbers where half are below it.
  6. 9. / the perimeter of a circle.
  7. 11. / a number's distance from (0) on a number line.
  8. 12. / an action that cancels a previously applied action. For example, subtraction is the inverse operation of addition.
  9. 15. / a one-dimensional measure that is the measurable property of line segments.