
  1. 5. a mathematical sentence that compares expressions
  2. 7. functions that undo each other
  3. 8. a radical function with an index of 3
  4. 9. the difference of the y-value of a data point and the corresponding y-value found using the line of fit
  5. 10. a polynomial with two terms
  6. 11. radicals with the same index and radicand
  7. 14. an expression that contains a radical
  8. 15. equations in which variable expressions occur as exponents
  9. 16. a polynomial with three terms
  10. 19. a data value that is much greater than or much less than the other values in a data set
  11. 22. slope intercept form
  12. 23. occurs when a quantity decreases by the same factor over equal intervals of time
  13. 24. switches the input and output values of the original relation
  1. 1. the interest earned on the principal and on previously earned interest
  2. 2. pairs inputs with outputs
  3. 3. a function that contains a square root with the independent variable in the radicand
  4. 4. the rate of change between any two points on a line
  5. 6. a monomial or a sum of monomials
  6. 12. the coefficient of the first terms
  7. 13. the vertical line that divides the parabola into two symmetric parts
  8. 14. the solutions of polynomial equations
  9. 17. the u-shaped graph of a quadratic function
  10. 18. relationship between data sets
  11. 20. the lowest point on a parabola
  12. 21. a function that contains a radical expression with the independent variable in the radicand