
  1. 2. function , a function obtained by expressing the
  2. 4. value, a real number regardless of its sign
  3. 6. the highest value in a set or on a graph.
  4. 8. a limited period of time during which something lasts
  5. 12. variable, of one function as the independent variable of another; f and g are inverse functions if f(x)=y and g(y)=x
  6. 16. an increase in rate of change
  7. 17. as far as something can go
  8. 18. having the character of a polynomial
  9. 19. the answer when subtracting
  10. 20. to multiply out the parts of an expression.
  11. 21. the answer when you divide
  12. 22. the answer when you add.
  13. 23. a sense of concern with and curiosity about
  1. 1. number , the number 1 and any other number obtained by adding 1 to it repeatedly
  2. 3. a straight line from the center to the perimeter of a circle
  3. 5. to plug in a number and evaluate (check)
  4. 7. number , a real number that cannot be expressed as a rational number
  5. 9. less than, greater than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to
  6. 10. the point or points where graphs "touch"
  7. 11. is the opposite of factoring.
  8. 13. the number in front of a variable
  9. 14. can be linear, quadratic, absolute value, exponential, inequality, etc.
  10. 15. involving a single dimension
  11. 18. the answer when you multiply.