
  1. 5. x-value
  2. 8. an angle that has a vertex that is located at the center of a circle
  3. 12. circumference of a circle
  4. 14. y-value
  5. 15. a^2+b^2=c^2
  6. 17. X^2
  7. 20. the measurement of the arc is greater than or equal to the radians; greater than a semi-circle
  8. 21. ax^2+b+c
  9. 22. half of a circle
  10. 23. the length of one edge of the circle to the other
  11. 24. the number of units away from the zero; signs (+) and (-) do not matter
  12. 25. fixed point of a circle
  1. 1. log_b⁡M+log_b⁡N=log_b⁡〖(MN)〗
  2. 2. A = P├ (1 + r/n┤)^nt
  3. 3. log_b⁡M-log_b⁡N=log_b⁡(M/N)
  4. 4. f(x) = mx + b; mx = slope and b= y-intercept
  5. 6. a section from the circumference of a circle
  6. 7. half of the diameter of a circle
  7. 9. x=(-b±√(b^2-4ac))/2a
  8. 10. arcs that are in the same circle and share one point
  9. 11. numbers that cannot be converted into fractions; never ending decimals
  10. 13. can be converted into fractions; can be positive and negative numbers
  11. 16. the measurement of the arc is less than or equal to the measurement to the radians; smaller than a semi-circle
  12. 18. are rational and irrational numbers; R
  13. 19. plog_b⁡M=〖log〗_b M^p