Math/Add Math

  1. 4. negative to positive
  2. 6. infinite numbers
  3. 7. tn=a+(n-1)d
  4. 8. dy/dx of a curve
  5. 11. volume of ____ (integration)
  6. 14. 90 degree of a line
  7. 15. rationalise the ______(surds)
  8. 18. shape with 10 sides
  9. 22. dark area/coloured area
  10. 23. tn=ar^n-1
  11. 24. trig e.g.
  12. 25. part of a circle
  13. 26. one of the ways to find roots
  14. 29. U
  15. 30. a^2 + b^2 =c^2
  16. 31. maximum point of a tangent graph
  17. 32. cos(pi/2 rad)
  18. 35. graph involving e
  19. 36. n divide by 0
  20. 37. antonym of expand in math
  21. 38. dy/dt
  1. 1. dy/dx=0
  2. 2. nCr
  3. 3. shape with no vertex
  4. 5. lines with same gradient
  5. 9. cartesian _____
  6. 10. price _____
  7. 12. sigma squared
  8. 13. example of network graph
  9. 16. number of solutions
  10. 17. m from(y=mx+c)
  11. 19. gradient of _____
  12. 20. has magnitude and direction
  13. 21. valid and _____
  14. 27. square roots
  15. 28. shape with 4 vertices
  16. 31. f-1
  17. 33. f(x)
  18. 34. dot in indices