
  1. 5. Projective geometry and probability theory
  2. 8. Father of geometry
  3. 10. Calculating a solar eclipse
  4. 11. Best known for his investigations into the stability of the solar system
  5. 16. Hydrodynamica
  6. 17. Pioneer of game theory
  7. 18. e
  8. 19. Mathematician born in Auxerre
  9. 20. The great inventor of modern graphical designs
  10. 24. First computer programmer
  11. 25. Introduce a ubiquitous tool in probability, logic and statistics
  12. 27. The first true mathematician
  13. 29. Fields Medal recipient for her outstanding contributions to the dynamics and geometry of Riemann surfaces and their moduli spaces
  14. 33. Theory of proportions
  15. 35. Simple algorithm to find prime numbers
  16. 36. Extraction of hidden waters
  17. 37. Cartesian coordinate system
  18. 38. Set theory
  19. 39. At the centennial celebration of her life, a street and a girls' school were named after her
  20. 41. Prince of mathematicians
  21. 42. Introduced symbol ∞ for infinity
  1. 1. Doctrine of Chances
  2. 2. The Father of Algebra
  3. 3. The Last Universalist
  4. 4. The first professor of analysis at the École Polytechnique
  5. 6. Transcendental Law of Homogeneity
  6. 7. Fibonacci sequence
  7. 9. Pioneer in modern chaos theory
  8. 12. Father of accounting
  9. 13. The greatest mathematician of the 20th century
  10. 14. Order of the British Empire for his significant code-breaking work
  11. 15. The father of modern optics
  12. 19. Infinitesimal calculus
  13. 21. He is mostly known for the first rigorous formulation of the integral
  14. 22. Proving one of the most famous open questions in maths, the Poincaré Conjecture
  15. 23. Logarithms
  16. 26. Pi
  17. 28. Pythagorean Theorem
  18. 30. Commutative ring
  19. 31. Greek woman mathematician
  20. 32. String theory
  21. 34. Axiomatization of geometry
  22. 38. Pioneer of modern group theory
  23. 40. Averroes