
  1. 5. Developed trigonometry
  2. 6. invented Boolean algebra and logic
  3. 8. Famous for incompleteness theorem
  4. 10. inventor of algebra
  5. 11. Introduced symbols to algebra
  6. 12. proved fermat’s theorem
  7. 13. Defined laws of fall and pendulum
  8. 14. leading figure of fractal geometry
  9. 16. inventor of planar coordinates
  10. 17. calculated first accurate calculation of pi
  11. 19. founder figure of set theory
  1. 1. Gave general method to find solution of Pell's Equation.
  2. 2. Developer of math behind complex waves.
  3. 3. Founder of graph theory
  4. 4. developed field of fluid dynamics
  5. 5. Proposed 23 problems for the 20th century
  6. 7. Author of elements of geometry
  7. 9. Discovered quaternions
  8. 15. calculated the size of earth
  9. 18. First iranian female mathematician to receive field medal