- 2. A line segment between two vertices in a graph (graph theory) or geometric shape..
- 3. The symbol representing an nth root,.
- 7. A number that is added to another number
- 9. 1. A unit of angle, commonly representing one-ninetieth of a right angle.
- 10. The deviation from being perfectly circular.
- 11. The locus of a point on the circumference of a circle rolling inside of another circle.
- 13. A method of inference which attempts to "justify" conclusions by applying rules of inference on the premises of the argument and other such conclusions.
- 15. A type of discontinuity, where the hole is a point whose inclusion into the curve would make the curve continuous.
- 16. Also known as extraction, the process of finding a root of a number. The opposite process is called involution.
- 17. An equivalence relation indicating two mathematical sentences to be necessary and sufficient conditon of each other.
- 19. The centre of a circle which goes through all vertices of a triangle.
- 21. A controlled process for making observations and gathering data.
- 22. A beam or such similar structures which is anchored at only one end such that it resists rotation under load.
- 24. An unproven (but also not disproven) assertion considered/assumed/proposed to be true.
- 25. Rewriting a mathematical expression in an equivalent form that is considered to be longer or more complicated
- 27. A measure of angle which is the ratio of the arc length to the radius formed by a circular arc with the angle.
- 28. The condition of an expression of 2 variables that is linear while considering individually each variable (while the other variable is fixed.)
- 1. An SI derived unit of radioacitivity denoted by the symbol Bq.
- 4. The segment of the perpendicular bisector of a side of a regular polygon that runs between the centre and the side.
- 5. A surface formed by the rotation of a catenary.
- 6. A particular unit within a set of units of the same type. (e.g. CMwithin the set of units for lengths.)
- 8. The process of splitting a mathematical object into two or more objects of the same type, such as fractions, functions or matrices.
- 12. A branch of mathematics, the study of (infinitely many) infinitesimalquantities (which may be changing).
- 13. A value under which a whole number of tenths of data fall.
- 14. Also known as indefinite integration
- 17. A plane figure with 2 right angles.
- 18. A measure of how little an approximation deviates from the true value
- 20. An informal name for symbol ∩, used to denote intersection of sets that is easier to say than the polysyllabic "intersection".
- 23. A polynomial with two terms.
- 26. A six-sided polygon.