
  1. 2. A ratio or fraction with the denominator of 100
  2. 3. A polygon with 5 sides
  3. 7. A number above 0
  4. 9. An angle below 90 degrees
  5. 15. the solution to a division problem
  6. 16. A unit measure equal to 3 feet, Usually used in football
  7. 19. A shape with 3 sides
  8. 20. A number below 0
  9. 22. The bottom of a shape
  10. 24. The answer to a subtraction problem
  11. 25. Refers to addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division.
  1. 1. A polygon with 7 sides
  2. 4. A polygon with 8 sides
  3. 5. the measure of how heavy something is
  4. 6. A polygon with 6 sides
  5. 8. An angle above 90 degrees
  6. 10. A round shape
  7. 11. A whole number that is not divisible by two
  8. 12. the solution to an addition problem
  9. 13. An angle that's 90 degrees
  10. 14. A number that can be divided by two.
  11. 17. The area of a circle
  12. 18. Two-dimensional shapes
  13. 21. The space taken up by an object or shape
  14. 23. the solution to a multiplication problem.