
  1. 4. , an angle of 90 degrees ; as in the corner of a square
  2. 5. , the number below the line in a common fraction;a divisor
  3. 6. , studies the shape,size,position and dimensions of things
  4. 9. ,a whole number that can be made by multiplying other whole numbers
  5. 11. , usually expressed as a raised symbol beside the number or expression
  6. 15. , a whole number that is not a faction
  7. 16. , a number which produces a specified quantity when multiplied by itself
  8. 18. , the action of adding something to something else
  1. 1. ,the process or skill of dividing one number by the other
  2. 2. ,the number above the line in a common fraction showing how many parts indicated by the denominator are taken
  3. 3. ,
  4. 7. ,a whole number greater than 1 whose only factors are 1 and itself
  5. 8. ,is made by adding the same value each time
  6. 10. , a number that can be divided by another without a remainder
  7. 12. , a ratio of when the second term is 100
  8. 13. , the process or skill of taking one number or amount away from another
  9. 14. ,a whole number that can evenly be divided into another number
  10. 17. , is equivalent to or is identically equal to