
  1. 5. the numerical factor of the term that contains a variable
  2. 6. A polyhedron that has 2 parallel, congruent bases; the lateral faces are parallelogram
  3. 8. The set of all points in the space that are the same distance from the point called center
  4. 9. symbol that is used to add things
  5. 12. In any right triangle, the sum of the squares of the lengths of legs is equal to the square of
  6. 13. A polygon with three sides
  7. 14. polygon with four sides
  1. 1. A number that, when multiplied by itself, equals a given number
  2. 2. The symbol that is used to represent a square root
  3. 3. The mathematical sentence that uses an equal sign to show that two expressions are equal
  4. 4. identical in form (angles)
  5. 7. lines lines in the same plane that do not intersect
  6. 10. length of the hypotenuse
  7. 11. Changes the figure into another shape
  8. 13. The line intersects 2 or more parallel line