
  1. 1. - add, subtract, multiply and _____.
  2. 4. - one way to write a decimal
  3. 6. - one in 10 parts
  4. 13. - a tool used to measure objects
  5. 14. - Ex. 3.2 - 2.9
  6. 15. - one in 100 parts
  7. 16. - 3.2 + 2.9
  8. 17. fraction - a fraction when the numerator is bigger than the denominator
  9. 20. numbers - a whole number and decimal
  1. 2. another way to write a fraction
  2. 3. number - no fraction or decimal part in the number
  3. 5. - one in 1,000 parts
  4. 7. problem - a problem with 7 steps used for math
  5. 8. - short for mathematics
  6. 9. - addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
  7. 10. - Ex. 3.2 x 2
  8. 11. - number place after ones
  9. 12. - changing fractions to decimals
  10. 18. - Every decimal needs this
  11. 19. - number place before ones